Today at 10:00 AM at the National Press Club, medical professionals who have experienced discrimination as a result of their exercise of their conscience will talk about their stories and urge the Administration to protect their rights and not rescind the HHS regulations protecting rights of conscience.
Freedom2Care, a coalition of organizations (including CLS) that support conscience rights in the medical profession, will also announce the results of 2 national polls gauging popular support for conscience rights and the existing HHS conscience protection regulations that the Obama Administration has proposed to rescind.
I will be in attendance and available to answer any questions about the lawsuits filed in Connecticut challenging the HHS regulations.
If you have not yet commented to HHS in support of the existing HHS regulations and in opposition to the proposed rescission of these protections you can do so through the Freedom2Care website. The deadline is midnight TOMORROW, April 9.
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what is the bible
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